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Girl’s Ministries

Girls Ministries serves a vital role in Church of God Youth and Discipleship. Our goal is to partner with local churches to raise up daughters who are committed to Jesus, who care for others, and who are confident in their self-image and purpose in Christ. Inspired by the principle of multiplication, we believe in the power of mentoring. Girls Ministries mentors provide opportunities for our daughters to deepen their faith, experience spiritual growth, and foster healthy relationships. Through resourcing and leadership training, Girls Ministries equips mentors who minister through relationships and model a consistent, Godly example built on the study of Scripture and a commitment to prayer.

The International Department of Women’s Ministries had a passion and vision to minister to and train young women as the scripture admonishes in Titus 2:3-5. Because of this vision, Young Ladies Ministries (YLM) was created in 1969. As YLM grew, so did its scope to effectively reach younger girls through a clubs format:  Joy Belles (1974), Bluebelles (1984) and Little Sweethearts (2002).
These clubs are the result of lifetimes given by dedicated women who cared enough to share their time, energy and special abilities:  coordinators, mentors, prayer mothers, pastor’s wives and laywomen who have diligently worked to disciple girls for Christ.

For additional information, please visit International Girl’s Ministries



817-599-7691 ext 6

Girl's Clubs