This information was provided by Reverend J.C. Atkins, a retired minister of the Church of God (now deceased) and highlights the history of the Texas Church of God through 1964. Brother Atkins began his ministry in 1921 and retired in 1960.
Sometime in the latter part of 1916, someone threw a Church Of God “Evangel” from a passenger train in Mingus, Texas. Reverend George Asher, a holiness preacher from Lyra, Texas, picked it up. After reading it and talking with others of like faith as himself, he called for more teachings on the church. They also called for someone to organize them. Reverend George Brouayer was sent to them. After more preaching and teaching, the church was then organized. This was the first Church of God to be organized in Texas. It was organized in March 1917 in a coal mining town called Lyra between Mingus and Strawn. Later when the mines shut down, the church was moved to Strawn in the early 1920’s and remained there until in the latter 1950’s. The membership was then transferred to the Ranger church. Reverend H. N. Scoggins was sent to be the first pastor in the state of Texas at the Lyra church.
The second church was organized in Texas at Clark’s Chapel, August 12, 1917.
Reverend Brouayer became the first state overseer of the Texas work from 1916 through 1918. Brother Scoggins served as State Overseer from 1918-1920. Brother Brouayer again served in 1921 with Brother Scoggins again from 1922 through 1924.
The state was divided into districts in 1922, beginning our district conventions. The first state convention was to have been in the fall of 1922 in Paris, Texas, but rains prevented it. The roads were impassable for the ministers in the western part of the state to make it to Paris. Half of the state had a convention in the church at Weatherford, Texas in November 1922. There were around 30 visitors present. The local church spread free lunch on the seats in the church house. There was morning, afternoon, and night services.
In the following year, 1923, a full statewide convention was conducted in the Weatherford church. Again, the local church spread lunch under an oak grove down by the railroad for the visiting ministers and laity. In 1924, the convention was again at Weatherford under a tent and it was called a state assembly. Brother Scoggins was overseer of the state at this time. Reverend R.P. Johnson served the state as overseer from 1925 through 1927.
The first camp meeting was conducted under a tent in Weatherford in 1925. Reverend R.P. Johnson was overseer at this time. The open tabernacle was built in Weatherford in 1926.
Reverend E.W. Williams served the state as overseer 1928 and 1929. Reverend S.J. Wood, 1930 through 1932. Reverend J.C. Coats, 1933 through June I0, 1934 when he passed away. He had just preached a wonderful sermon in Breckenridge, Texas in the home of Brother and Sister Cregger. His funeral was preached by Brother S.J. Wood, in the tabernacle at Weatherford. He was buried at Weatherford. Brother R.P. Johnson was sent back to serve as Overseer for the remainder of 1934 and 1935.
Brother T.S. Payne
became overseer in 1936 through 1937, and as the South Texas overseer in 1938, living in Houston, Texas. Brother H.N. Scoggins served again as overseer 1938 through 1940. Brother T.W. Godwin 1931-1944. Brother V.B. Rains 1945-46, Brother E.O. Kerce 1947-1950, Brother L.H. Aultman 1951-1952, Brother J.D. Bright 1953-1956.
The state was then divided and Brother C.W. Collins served the western part of the state as overseer 1957-1960, with Brother J.H. Walker serving the eastern part of the state. The state was put back under one overseer with Brother P.H. McCarn in 1961. He served through 1962. Brother Paul Stallings served the state as overseer 1963-1964. Brother C.M. Jinkerson served from 1965-1968.